About Us

Hello there (:

First of all, you might be curious about the name of this blogshop. Why "Little Miss Cucumber"?  Well, that's because the founder really loves eating cucumbers! Especially  fried ones. She swears whoever created fried cucumbers with soya sauce is a genius. And well, isn't it a cute and memorable name? Yes she's sure you can't get it out of your head now. 

Secondly, what do we sell? The founder has decided to dedicate this blogshop to accessories. At the moment, we're only carrying hair accessories but she has great plans to include other accessories such as necklaces and keychains in the near future. And her motto is to provide pretty and affordable accessories. Because it is oh-so-hard to find them out there. Trust the girl with first hand experience. 

Thirdly, she hopes that you will fall in love with these accessories just like she has. She's totally gonna wear them as often as she can. 

Don't forget to subscribe via email! (See sidebar) And...that's about it! Happy shopping! 

Yours Sincerely,
Little Miss Cucumber 

a.k.a Verne


1. All dimensions provided are an estimate. Please allow for some variation.